The good health starts with detoxification.
Release toxins and return vitality on yours body with Detoxifier B01
The modern one civilization today gives opportunity for achieve on high materially welfare , but in the same time the tall ones levels on stress cause suffering from everything more diseases . Over 7.2 million souls are dying each year from cordial diseases . Any year 8.6 million souls are dying from cancer . 5.5 million souls are dying from cordial blow . 394 million souls suffer from diabetes . It has been established that this number will everything increase to 500 million and the age on the sick will fall down more . 325 million souls suffer from arthritis . More of 160,000 people live in hospitals because of diseases and 100,000 people are dying from this . 39 million souls suffer from dementia . Obesity everything rises with astonishing levels .
Introduce you are now the feeling on freshness and recovery after long and tense day . No wait more , for Yes everything release from toxins and yes return vitality you are Invest in yours health and well-being ! No only will everything feel better , but it will you look better . Get started the new one you are care for health today! Now available revolutionary device , Detoxifier , for family care for health . Detoxifier B01 steps on the scientific concept on the water ones channels in cellular membranes , which discovery wins Nobel award by chemistry for 2003
Detoxification with Detoxifier B01 is a process for removal on toxins and waste products from the body with a purpose improvement on health and general welfare . Detoxifier B01 extracts pollution through process on ionization . Ionic detoxification is complete painless and effective procedure which _ uses the negative ones ions and their properties .
In all cellular biochemical processes wide participate electrons and ions . In the process on metabolism , everyone organs produce biological current , for example cordial current , cerebral current , muscular current . Everyone organ you are there is own tension . The heart voltage is 90mV, brain - 60mV. As like the body we are a conductor , bioelectricity is like river which _ flows from the brain to all parts on the body . In it has 12 channels . And the system from channels is a system for circulation on energy , different from the rest systems . This is the first one system for circulation on electricity .
When person everything got sick , his biotok everything upsetting and for the different ones diseases there is different deviations . The sick cells vibrate at a frequency which no matches on this one on the healthy ones cells , and violate the natural flickering on the cell , as well as its polarity .
The cells that are unbalanced , make it difficult the functions on body and treatment his , like detain heavy metals , waste , parasites and others toxins . When the cells are entirely loaded electric , they contain more oxygen and are able _ Yes keep electrical balance , which leads to feeling for health , vital energy and vitality . This helps on the body Yes everything does it with the diseases only . The procedures which everything do with the multifunctional ionic - detoxifying apparatus , Detoxifier , raise significantly the oxygen ones levels in the body .
- Clearing on toxins . Ours system for detoxification is capable Yes remove the toxins from yours body , leaving you with better healthy condition and more energy .
- Improvement on immune system :. The system us too so helps Yes strengthen yours immune system , as you protects from diseases and infections .
- Improvement on metabolism . The detoxifier helps Yes improve metabolism si , which is key for weight loss and maintenance on the healthy weight .
- Better sleep and mood . With ours detoxifier will everything you wake up with better mood and will you have better quality sleep .
Detoxifier B01 is available the main one function Yes extracts toxins and pollution from the body . Allows the choice between 5 programs for detoxification. Except her , he owns additional functions for warming up with bamboo belt and pulsed massage with two massage the electrode .
Infrared heat assists the degradation on fats from the superficial structures on the body . It helps and relieves states at arthritis , muscular pains and spasms , musculoskeletal and joint sufferings . Infrared heat there is stimulating effect on skin and tissues . Stimulates sweating and so on helps on the body at the natural his clearing . No everything applies if _ there is contraindications , recommended everything consultation with a doctor .

The function massage , together with the belt warm -up from bamboo charcoal and detoxification are maximum good combination at Detoxifier B01. The massage everything carried out with two massage electrodes . They put everything by different parts on the body , as carry out electro impulsive massage and stimulate by natural way the healing ones processes in it . For massage on the feet and acupuncture points , located there , se recommend slippers . The job on the massage ones electrodes and massage slippers everything manages from The detoxifier . They line up everything a few the species massage with different pace . In the set on The detoxifier they enter Massage electrodes . To the device they can Yes everything also include massage slippers which _ carry out massage on all organs at the same time , by means of acupuncture them points on the steps . The slippers everything complete additionally .

The color on the water at detoxification , from one side , is a result from the interaction on the electrode with salty solution . From another , shows the sequence on turn on on the authorities in clearing . There is common , same row , on turn on by time on the process , but are deviations are also possible . The coloring everything changes over time on detoxification and more him can Yes everything determine who from the organs everything detoxing right now , who everything detoxifies in a larger or less degree . In this one sense is possible some colorings Yes missing , others Yes prevail . These features they can Yes everything notice when _ everything they do procedures on a lot people , in the Spa centers or Centers for health .
- Yellow-green : detoxification from kidneys , urinary bladder , urinary roads ;
- Orange : detoxification from the joints ;
- Black : detoxification from black liver , tobacco , cellular leftovers ;
- Dark green : detoxification from bile bladder ;
- White foam : detoxification from the lymphatic system ;
- White particles : most likely at incorrect work on enzymes ;
- black spots : heavy metals ;
- Red spots : clotted blood .
The result from this observation , in none case no can Yes replace the performance on laboratory research at diagnosis on the diseases . No can Yes everything uses for diagnostics or treatment , or Yes be occasion for neglect the recommendations on medical persons . The detoxifier it is not medical product .
Although that the method is simple and easy available , ion detoxification is not suitable for everyone . There is some Limits by attitude on use : people with pacemakers , implanted organs , soul sick , sick from epilepsy .
No wait more , for Yes everything release from toxins and yes return vitality you are Invest in yours health and well-being ! No only will everything feel better , but it will you look better . Get started the new one you are care for health today !
The device is a product on the modern one western science , applied on practice , according to understandings on the eastern one philosophical system for the human and the human body . He it is not medical product and working with it no turns off the prescriptions on the official one medicine. For more information and order everything contact us _ on telephone number 0899 973 924 or email [email protected] .